Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Final Countdown

For your listening pleasure while you read this blog.
The Final Countdown
But here were are, 6 months in the training.  It is amazing to think how far I have come since November.  As I ws thinking the other day it really all started when i watched a "where are they now" episode of the Biggest Loser.  Two of the guys on there went on to do Ironman Triathlons.  Those are the bigs ones and take well over a year to train for-so we are starting small.
But in a little over a week I will be participating in my first Tri.  I am very stoked, excited, nervous and I know the next week will be filled with dreams about me missing the race or getting there late or something like that.  This always happens when I get close to some big event.  I am comforted by the fact that I will have an awesome cheering section.  So far it is up to 4.  Renee and Liam, my sister Emily, and a close family friend Erin.
My biggest worry is my bike to run transition.  I was disheartened by a brick workout I put myself through last week.  When I got off the bike my legs were spent and my pace was less than satisfactory.  So I have been battling in my mind the different possibilities and reasons for this.  My cardio is more than prepared for this race.  I can perform twice the distances required in all the disciplines without any great difficulty, is it just a matter of my body not being ready for it?
Or do I need to do something I have never thought to do, refuel nutritionally during the race? It is a short sprint and should take longer than 1:45 but do I need to intake some calories halfway through?  A problem with this is that I have not practiced refuleing during training, only pre-workout and post work-out.
There are ton of questions cruising through my mind right now and each one feels more confusing than the rest.  Just praying that I can do what I know for this one and look forward to the next.
Be praying for me this week, and know that I have more excitement than worry.  The worry just tends to be more vocal sometimes.

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